
24. November 2020
PSA-report: Unwanted crane related incidents on the Norwegian continental shelf on the rise
– Use of new crane system technology from VOCA subsidiary Optilift could lower numbers significantly, CEO argues.
The «Risk Levels on the Norwegian Continental Shelf»-report from the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) act as an official indicator of the safety level across all sections of the Norwegian petroleum industry.
The latest report shows the number of unwanted incidents related to crane operations has hit a record high in 2019. The yearly amount of unwanted crane related incidents has also steadily increased since records began in 2013.
Summarized, what the most important numbers from 2019 reveal are:
- 2019 saw a record high number of unwanted incidents related to crane operations from fixed installations offshore.
- The number of unwanted incidents from offshore mobile lifting facilities increased from 2017 to 2018 and rose further in 2019.
- The normalised number of unwanted incidents in 2019 was higher than all previous years.
- Unwanted incidents involving use of offshore cranes were higher than any previous year in 2019.
In total, 695 unwanted incidents related to crane operations has been reported to the PSA since 2013, where 79 of the incidents have led to different levels of personnel injuries (11%).

CEO: – New technology could reduce numbers
Camilla Nylund, VOCA subsidiary Optilift CEO, says new crane technology could help reduce the rising numbers of unwanted crane related incidents.
– Crane operations are now clearly the most worrying area in the oil and gas industry when it comes to safety. A more controlled approach to perform lifting operations would bring better results, and clearly increase offshore lifting safety, both for the personnel, equipment and installations, she says.
New crane solutions, such as auto hook, assistance- and safety systems, remote control and autonomy, she argues, would create a safer and more controlled lifting operation, as both personnel could be removed from potentially dangerous lifting areas, and the lifting operation itself put into more controlled forms.
– The crane industry is conservative. Maybe now is the time for the industry as a whole to embrace new technology?, she asks.

PSA Norway: – Worrying safety levels
PSA Norway (Ptil) calls for the companies themselves to prioritize work to enhance the safety levels in field while performing lifts.
– Historically, crane- and lifting operations has been an overrepresented cause of personnel injuries. Removing people from the lifting site could also help reduce unwanted incidents involving personnel, says press officer Øyvind Midttun from PSA.
Midttun says the agency systematically monitor and supervise the industry.
– We specifically highlight the importance of controlling the operational circumstances related to lifts, which is a major underlying cause for a vast number of the unwanted incidents.
The graphics show the most important numbers concerning unwanted crane related incidents on the Norwegian continental shelf in 2019.