
10. March 2017
EU Horizon 2020 grant through the SME Instrument
The vision of the OptiLift project is to upscale, pilot and commercialise our unique toolset. This will improve safety, increase efficiency and enable more environmental friendly offshore lifting and logistics. The start of the project was May 1, 2017, and the project will run for 24 months.
“The support from the EU commission is a great help for our company, and allow us to scale up our commercialization activities for the OPTILIFT technology, including end user qualification , IPR management and communication of the results to the industry and to the public.” says Torbjørn Engedal – managing director and founder of VOCA AS.
The project will be realized through six work packages:
- WP 1: Technology maturation
- WP 2: Large scale piloting and validation
- WP 3: Supply chain development
- WP 4: Commercialisation
- WP 5: Communication, dissemintation and exploitation of results
- WP 6: Innovation management
Click this link to read more about the project on the European Commission websites.
More information in the press release from Innovation Norway and the results from the EU commission.