
30. November 2020
Norwegian newspaper DN covers VOCA growth
Dagens Næringsliv (DN) is one of the most recognized business newspapers in Norway.
As VOCA has shown healthy and profitable growth while developing innovative solutions built on computer vision and artificial intelligence, DN has covered the parent company of Optilift and Digital Logistics in a new article.
DN writes:
«The company has five doubled their revenue in four years. The core of their product developments is to let artificial intelligence perform autonomous tasks.»
– Increased interest in remote- and autonomous solutions
In the article, Managing Director of VOCA, Torbjørn Engedal, says he is curious to see where VOCA is in five years, as the covid pandemic has had an effect on peoples perception of digital products and remote control as a whole.
– When we started our company our idea was to use artificial intelligence to perform autonomous tasks. Back then we were early movers, but during the last few years remote and autonomous technology has received rising acclaim and trust, he tells DN.
– The covid pandemic has caused the world to become much smaller in a short period of time. People have become used to digital meetings, and it has been increasingly easier to meet people from geographically different locations. The different travel bans and restrictions have also increased the need for remote and autonomous solutions, he says.
Engedal now see a rising interest in the VOCA AI-technology.
– First and foremost, our technology is extremely flexible and scalable, and it will probably be used in several different industries in the future, such as ports, harbours and construction to mention a few.
DN has recorded a video where the VOCA AI-technology is demonstrated.